General Conditions

These conditions refer to Legislative Decree 206 of 06/09/2005, as amended by Legislative Decree 21/2014 implementing the European Directive 2011/83/EU and in force since 13/06/2014.


Consumer means the natural person who purchases goods and services from the Professional (Azienda Agricola Terr'e soi di Cani Fabio Via Casa Del Frate 40 - 09010 Santadi (SU), Italy, telephone +39 348.12.14.589 VAT number 03708730928), in this case, the company that sells goods or services through "online" sales, by concluding a contract stipulated exclusively in the context of the remote communication system commonly known as "internet".

Product features

The essential characteristics of the product covered by this contract are described in detail and represented in the online electronic catalog.

Sale price

All sales prices of the products indicated in the online electronic catalog include VAT. and all other taxes.


All sales prices of the products indicated in the online electronic catalog include VAT. and all other taxes.

Delivery costs

The delivery costs of the goods, if not already included in the price, will be added as indicated in the order form from time to time. Shipments abroad are an exception, where the cost will be calculated and agreed from time to time with the Customer.

Duration of validity of the offer and price

The price of the products is that indicated in the online catalog, any changes or revocations of the offer will be governed by art. 1336 of the Italian Civil Code

Payment methods

The Consumer can pay for the goods or services as indicated on the website from time to time:

by credit card: on a bank circuit external to the Professional's organization or by means of a Paypal payment system in favor of the Professional on a credit institution indicated on the website. As regards the method of payment with Paypal, by filling in the appropriate space on the website, the Consumer authorizes the Professional to use his credit card and to debit the total amount shown on his current account in favor of the Professional. what cost of the purchase made "on line". The whole procedure takes place via a secure connection directly connected to the "online" payment service provider, which the Professional cannot access.

by bank transfer in advance: to be made upon receipt of the ORDER SUMMARY. All the data to make the transfer are shown on the final page of the purchase procedure. The purpose of the transfer must include the number and personal details of the order holder. Any discrepancies between the data communicated by the Consumer when ordering and the data entered on the bank transfer could cause delays in the acceptance of the order by the Professional.

Conclusion of the contract

The contract will be considered concluded when the Consumer has carried out the following activities:
a. Compilation of the digital form describing your identification data;
b. Selection of the type of payment chosen;
c. Final click of sending entailing acceptance of the conditions of sale.
The Consumer undertakes and obliges, once the "on line" purchase procedure has been completed, to print and keep these conditions of sale, which he will have already viewed and accepted as an obligatory step in the purchase, together with the specifications of the product object of the same, as required by Legislative Decree 206/2005. It is forbidden for the buyer to enter false and/or invented and/or fictional data in the registration procedure necessary to activate the procedure for the execution of this contract and the related further communications. The personal data and the e-mail address must be exclusively the Consumer's personal data and not those of third parties, nor of fantasy, the Professional reserves the right to legally pursue any violation and abuse, in the interest and for the protection of all consumers. The Consumer elects domicile in the place indicated in the digital form. With the inclusion by the Consumer of his mobile phone number, Tax Code and e-mail address, the Consumer agrees to the use of these communication systems by the Professional. The contract will not be concluded in case of purchase by minors.

Delivery methods

The goods so ordered will be delivered to the Consumer by courier indicated in the order phase, possibly within 5 working days (with the exception of items marked "orderable") starting from the day following receipt of the payment confirmation of the goods, without any delays being a reason for withdrawal from the contract or giving rise to rights to compensation, except for the provisions of Legislative Decree 206/2005 and the European Directive 2011/83/EU. The Professional guarantees the availability of the products listed in his online electronic catalog at the time of publication of the same, but is not able to guarantee that any reordering of out of stock lots can be processed, in which case he will notify the Consumer and will refund of the sums already paid, in the forms and in the manner provided for by Legislative Decree 206/2005.

Sending invoices in electronic format

the Ministerial Circular n. 45 of 19/10/05, concerning the innovations in the field of invoicing introduced by Legislative Decree no. 52 of 20/02/04, reiterates the correctness of sending invoices to customers via the electronic mail tool (e-mail), as an alternative to the traditional forwarding by paper mail.

With this in mind, Azienda Agricola Terr'e soi intends to replace paper mailing with transmission via e-mail (in .pdf format). We remind you that electronic mailing must be understood as a substitute for paper mailing.


The Professional assumes no responsibility for inefficiencies attributable to force majeure such as accidents, explosions, fires, riots, strikes and/or lockouts, earthquakes, floods, damage to computer systems, system failures, and other similar events that prevented, in whole or in part, the execution of the contract within the agreed time frame. The Professional will not be liable for any damages, losses and/or costs incurred as a result of the non-execution of the contract for the reasons mentioned above, as the Consumer is only entitled to a refund of the price paid. Likewise, the Professional is not responsible for any fraudulent or illegal use of credit cards, checks and other means of payment. The Professional, in fact, at no time during the purchase procedure is able to know the Consumer's credit card number which, through a secure connection, is transmitted directly to the payment system of the service provider.

Guarantees and methods of assistance

The Consumer is the owner of the rights provided for by Legislative Decree n. 24 of 02-02-2002. The products have a guarantee, based on the product sent to the Customer.

The Professional guarantees that the good sold complies with the declared characteristics and suitable for the use for which the object is to be used. Any flaws or defects in the delivered product with respect to what has been agreed must be reported by the Customer, under penalty of forfeiture, within 5 days from the discovery of the defect.

The deadline for reporting defects and/or defects of the goods that are apparent, runs from the day of delivery of the products.

The guarantee is excluded in case of damage attributable to an abnormal use of the product by the Consumer or to environmental conditions of localization of the purchased good such as, by way of example but not limited to, high humidity of the room, overheating of the room, exceptional temperatures and atmospheric conditions, unusual or from improper use made by the buyer.

To exercise this right, the Customer must document, by registered letter with return receipt to be sent to: Azienda Agricola Terr'e soi di Cani Fabio Via Casa del Frate 40 09010 Santadi (SU) within the terms provided above, the defects found, to send back, at our request, via e-mail, any digital photos or if necessary, at the request of the seller, even arrange for the shipment of the defective item.

This will allow the Professional to determine if the defect found is attributable to production problems. In the event that the defect found is not attributable to production problems, the Professional will not be obliged to make any free replacement.

After receiving such communication and/or documentation, the Professional will, within 10 working days, communicate his decisions giving the authorization, or not, to the return of the defective order, with the eventual shipment , via e-mail, of a document that must be attached to the goods to be returned. The material must be sent to the address communicated by the Professional to the Client.

The replacement will be carried out as soon as possible. The relative transport costs for the replacement, both those for the return of the goods and those for the replacement, are borne by the Professional.

Requests for information on products or other

Our Customer Care will be happy to support our customers from 09:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday, on weekdays. Requests for information received during the weekend and/or during the holidays will be answered on the first following working day.

Consumer's right of withdrawal

The Right of Withdrawal consists in the possibility for the consumer to withdraw, within fourteen working days, from any purchase made remotely and receive a full refund of the expense incurred for the purchase without no penalty, just as provided in Legislative Decree 185 of 22/05/99 which obviously also includes purchases made via the Internet. The only expenses not reimbursed will be those of shipping, which remain excluded from the discipline referred to in decree law 185/99.

The Customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract for any reason, without the need to provide explanations and without any penalty, except in the cases of exclusion provided for in the next point. To exercise this right, the Customer must send the Professional a communication within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Products using the form that can be downloaded through the Customer's "My Account" reserved area.

After making the purchase, if you want to exercise the right of withdrawal, you need to proceed in the following way:

Within 14 days of receipt of the goods, send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to: Azienda Agricola Terr'e soi di Cani Fabio Via Casa Del Frate 40 - 09010 Santadi (SU), Italy.

1. Anticipate the communication by e-mail to or by telephone by contacting the number +39 348.12.14.589

2. Once the Professional has received the call or email, he will arrange an appointment for the collection of the package which must STRICTLY contain all the elements as per the previous list mentioned above.

3. After checking the integrity of all the components of the product and the related accompanying elements, the Professional will proceed with the reimbursement of the amount paid EXCEPT shipping costs, the reimbursement will be made within 14 days of the above checks. </span >

The law applies to the Product purchased in its entirety; therefore if the Product is composed of several components or parts it is not possible to exercise the withdrawal only on part of the purchased Product.

The right of withdrawal is totally lost if the returned product is not intact, that is:

1. Lack of original packaging.
2. Absence of integral elements of the product.
3. Damage to the product for reasons other than transport.

The right of withdrawal does not apply to the supply of food which, by its nature, cannot be returned or is liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly.

The right of withdrawal is excluded in the following cases, pursuant to art. 59 of Legislative Decree 21/2014:

- order of products by a non-consumer customer and/or who requires an invoice
- order of products made to measure or clearly personalized;
- order of products that risk deteriorating or expiring rapidly ;
- order of sealed products which cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene or related to health protection or which have been opened after delivery.

With reference to the cases of exclusion of withdrawal listed above, the Customer, in particular, is informed and accepts that the products that "risk deteriorating or expire rapidly" include all food products (including wines, spirits and beverages) and cosmetics, as the characteristics and qualities of these types of products are subject to alteration also as a result of inappropriate storage. Therefore, for reasons of hygiene and customer protection, the right of withdrawal is applicable only for products purchased on the site that can be returned to the Professional or to Azienda Agricola Terr'e soi di Cani Fabio Via Casa Del Frate 40 - 09010 Santadi ( SU) and put back on the market without endangering the health of consumers (such as books, gadgets, kitchen utensils, etc.).


The Professional intends to provide Customers with the possibility of replacing the Products purchased through the Site.

The Customer who is not fully satisfied must keep all the documentation relating to the delivery and the Product itself in its original packaging and contact the Professional by sending an email to

Lack of conformity.

In case of lack of conformity of Products sold by the Professional, the Customer must contact the Professional immediately at the email address

The legal guarantees provided for in articles 129, 130 and 132 of the Consumer Code apply to the sale of the Products. The Customer has the right to restore, without charge, the conformity of the goods by repair or replacement or to a suitable reduction in the price or to terminate the contract. The Customer loses these rights if he does not report the lack of conformity to the Professional within two months from the date on which he discovered the defect.

Please contact us for any further information on the Right of Withdrawal.

Termination of the contract and Express termination clause

The obligations assumed by the Consumer, as well as the guarantee of successful completion of the payment that he provides with the means referred to in the "payment methods", are essential, so that by express agreement, the non-fulfillment by the Consumer of only one of these obligations, will determine the legal termination of the contract pursuant to Article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code, by simply communicating the Professional to the Consumer, without the need for judicial ruling, without prejudice to the right for the Professional to take legal action for compensation of further damage. In this case, the Consumer will only be entitled to a refund of any sum already paid.

How to cancel the order

If the customer decides to cancel an order placed, he must send an email within 24 hours to with the subject: "cancellation of order no." and indicating the personal data already communicated with the order.


Customers who intend to make complaints can send an email to or call +39 348.12.14.589

Extrajudicial protection

For the resolution of disputes arising regarding the online purchase it is possible to resort to the mediation procedures referred to in Legislative Decree 28/2010.


Any dispute relating to the application, execution, interpretation and violation of this contract is subject to Italian jurisdiction and the court of jurisdiction is mandatorily that relating to the domicile or residence of the Consumer, if located in the territory of the State.

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